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ACE Serum-Free Culture Medium

描述:ACE™ is a complete, chemically-defined, low protein (<20mg/L), serum-free medium that has been optimized to obtain superior viability and growth from a variety of cell types with minimal adaptation.


ACETM Serum-Free Culture Medium

ACE™ is a complete, chemically-defined, low protein (<20mg/L), serum-free medium that has been optimized to obtain superior viability and growth from a variety of cell types with minimal adaptation. This versatile medium does not require CO2, reduces downstream processing for vaccine production, is free of phenol red, and yields excellent production of protein from hybridomas (e.g., NS or SP/2.0 derived) and CHO cell lines vs. other competitors' media.

Item #Unit SizeUnit Price
ACETM500 ml$45.00
ACETM1000 ml$80.00
ACETM2 LInquire


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