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Total collagen ELISA KIT

描述:quickzyme是歐洲著名的EILISA 試劑盒提供商,為很多大的試劑公司OEM試劑盒,其產品高質量和高靈敏性及穩(wěn)定性得到各大實驗室及制藥公司認可



  • quickzyme是歐洲著名的EILISA 試劑盒提供商,為很多大的試劑公司OEM試劑盒,其產品高質量和高靈敏性及穩(wěn)定性得到各大實驗室及制藥公司認可,其collagen ELISA KIT 早已經(jīng)被世界各大實驗室使用,高品質的質量得到眾多客戶的選擇
  • Now collagen can be determined by any biochemical laboratory

    The total collagen assay is based on the quantitative colorimetric determinantion of hydroxyproline residues, obtained by acid hydrolysis of collagen. Usually for this  analysis special equipment is needed (speedvac with special modifications)  for removal of the HCl. The QuickZyme total collagen assay does not need this laborious step, resulting in a fast and simple assay (< 2 hrs) following the hydrolysis step.

    This assay makes collagen determination available for every lab.

    Assay specifications

    • Quantitative measurement of all types of collagen, species independent.
    • Samples: tissue culture supernatants, cellular extracts,  tissue homogenates, tissues.
    • Colorimetric measurement of  hydroxyproline content
    • Range: 6 to 300 μg/ml. Sensitivity: 2.9 µg/ml
    • Uses rat tail collagen as standard
    • Ease-of-use: Equivalent to ELISA
    • Store at RT

QZBtotcol1 QuickZyme Total Collagen Assay 96T 6210 QuickZyme
QZBtotcol2 QuickZyme Total Collagen Assay 96T*2 11730 QuickZyme
QZBtotcol5 QuickZyme Total Collagen Assay 96T*5 23230 QuickZyme


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